Grow Golf Now in Greater Greensboro, NC
Grow Golf Now has partnered with the City of Mebane & Graham Parks and Recreation and Burlington Rec which are located just outside Greensboro, NC to offer junior golf programs designed to grow the game of golf among children and families. Program Director Aaron Davis oversees these programs and works closely with the great staff at Mill Creek Golf Course & Indian Valley Golf Course

Already a Grow Golf Now Participant in the Greater Greensboro area?

New to Grow Golf Now in the Greater Greensboro area?
Grow Golf Now Programs Offered
Fall Season
runs for 7 weeks from mid-September through mid-November on Sunday afternoons
Spring Season
runs for 7 weeks from mid-March through early May on Sunday afternoons
Registration for both Fall and Spring Seasons is managed in partnership by Aaron Davis at the City of Mebane Park & Rec and Jonathan Dudley at Indian Valley Golf Course