Getting your kids into golf is easy!
The Family Team Series Model - Developmental & Fun!
The Family Team Series is a GREAT way for kids to be introduced to golf. Just like soccer, t-ball, and other youth sports, golf can also be introduced through play on the golf course. The Family Team Series outings are once a week, designed to help beginners develop, and meant to involve the entire family.
Here's how it works - junior golfers are placed onto teams of 4-6 kids and play various team format golf games for about 60-75 minutes. Each team is lead by a parent-team leader who serves as a volunteer coach/organizer for their team. These parent-team leaders are selected by the chapter director and have at least 1-2 seasons of experience with the Family Team Series program. Parents and grandparents are also encouraged to serve as caddies, guides, ball spotters, and fans - which the kids really love to have following them. Teams play a variety of golf courses from modified distances which vary based on age and experience.

More About the Family Team Series...
We offer the Family Team Series programs in both the Fall and the Spring at different locations in North and South Carolina. Our goal is to schedule outings at our host facilities during days and times when the courses are not as busy. And Sunday afternoons tend to be best in our experience. Family Team Series is the foundation of Grow Golf Now's effort to introduce more kids and their families to the game of golf. These family-centered programs originally began at the George Bryan Golf Academy in the early 1990's. And the primary objective still remains true today:
Introduce kids to the game of golf on the course and let them learn through play.
Our philosophy is that golf can and should be a fun activity that includes the entire family - and the player is just one of many roles. The inclusion of non-playing family members in the child's golf experience can add tremendous value to the level of fun they have as well as enhance their development and growth in the game.

Locations offering Family Team Series-based programs:
(click on a location to learn more)
Columbia, SC (George Bryan Golf Academy)