Grow Golf Now @ Lexington County Recreation
Grow Golf Now has partnered with the the Lexington Recreation & Aging Commission, located in Lexington, SC, to offer junior golf programs designed to grow the game of golf among children and families. BJ Bellville, Assistant Athletics Director, oversees these programs and works closely with George Bryan III, Chase Butler, and Angie Duckworth of Grow Golf Now.

The Family Golf Program will be modeled more after T-ball/Coaches Pitch where the emphasis is placed on having fun learning and discovering how to play the game while at the same time building and developing skills.
LRAC Family Golf Program
The Lexington County Recreation Commission Family Golf Program is a weekly program designed for families with children ages 4-7, but not excluding ages 8-12, who are beginners or brand new to the game. Ideally this program will be scheduled for 10 weeks with the first 6-8 weeks taking place on-site at Barr Road Sports Complex. The final 2-4 weeks will take place at a local golf course. For this program, clubs will be provided for the registered participants to use during the lessons.
In weeks 1-4, children and their families will learn and practice the skills of building a golf swing. This will be led by George Bryan III and will also include elements of golf fitness and impact conditioning (golf-specific exercises designed to make the critical components of the golf swing easier to learn).

Coach Chase Butler discusses how we learn and practice the golf swing with kids and their parents.

Coach Angie gets the kids moving with fun and effective golf exercises to help make better impact.
Weeks 5-8 will feature a modified version of on-course play. Using available space on an athletic field, children and their families will practice their golf swing skills by playing on a modified golf course, set up by George, with modified flight golf balls. This portion of the program is designed to facilitate a smoother transition of skills from practice to play while also introducing key elements of playing golf before engaging in regulation or real golf. Included in these key elements of play are: safety, playing formats, & etiquette.
In weeks 9-12, kids and parents get to enjoy the fun and challenge of playing on a full-size, regulation golf course. The kids will play on teams from modified distances with their parents serving as caddies, guides, and team coaches.