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Grow Golf Now @ Timberlake Country Club

Located in Chapin, SC, the beautiful and scenic Timberlake Country Club offers the only golf experience on Lake Murray. Grow Golf Now has partnered with the great people at Timberlake Country Club to provide programs for members and guests that involve junior golf, family golf, and golf fitness.

Junior Golf Clinics & Programs

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There are LOTS of cool things happening at Timberlake CC with junior golf. George Bryan III works closely with Jimmy Koosa to create fun and impactful programs for kids of all ages and abilities. These programs range from clinics that are instructional based to on-course, learn-through-play experiences. And every once in a while there just might be an impromptu "pop-up" lesson or match featuring local golf celebs George & Wesley Bryan!

Family Learn & Play Clinics

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How would you like to have fun with your kids or grandkids as you both learn more about golf... together? Family Learn & Play Clinics at Timberlake CC might be just the thing you need. Family Learn & Play Clinics are designed to include the ENTIRE family - golfers and non-golfers too. These clinics cover the basics of how to get the club on the ball to hit a variety of different shots. And they're not just for beginners. Our inter-active curriculum is designed to help golfers of all experience and skill levels - from brand new, never played to the single-digit handicapper.


These group clinics are led by George Bryan III or one of the staff members from the George Bryan Golf Academy. Classes will take place at a variety of places at Timberlake CC including indoors, on the practices areas, and on the course. Teaching sessions will include exploring and discovering technical swing principles through impact conditioning. And once the group has had time to learn and practice new techniques... it's time to take it out to the course to play and have even more fun. Participants will also receive weekly video lessons, email newsletters, and valuable golf fitness and nutrition information. 


Registration is NOW OPEN! 

Golf Fitness & Impact Conditioning

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Golf fitness at Timberlake CC is headed up by fitness professional Angie Duckworth. Angie specializes in multiple forms of exercise including Low Intensity Training. Her focus is on helping both golfers and non-golfers discover how to improve their balance, mobility, stability, and range of motion. Low Intensity Training classes are designed for people of all ages and levels of exercise experience. Participants will be treated to cutting edge fitness and exercise tools from Tsunami Bar Sports and will have fun in a group exercise setting. 



For golfers that are looking for a more golf-centered fitness program, George Bryan III leads IMPACT classes at Timberlake Country Club. This program is designed to help golfers of all ages and abilities with golf-specific exercises and drills aimed at helping them improve their impact on the golf ball.


Golf Fitness- Learn More
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